While cleaning out gutters is a dreaded task for many homeowners, it must be addressed in order to keep potential structural disasters at bay. Blocked gutters can cause damage to the trim and siding of your home, interior walls, and can even cause leakage in your basement. Listed here are a few tips that may help you when cleaning out your gutters: By rule of thumb, you should clean out your gutters once in the fall, and once each spring. More maintenance may be required, depending on the number of trees in close proximity to your home. You will need a ladder in most cases, and you should use gloves. Remove all debris, and then flush the gutters out with a hose to remove anything that may be left over. If you find any leaks or damaged spots, you can quickly caulk them with gutter sealant. You may want to consider investing in gutter guards, which will make upkeep easier. More here